River City Ranches #4 - Page 135

                                       - 73 -                                         
          depreciation deductions they claimed upon such breeding sheep for           
          the years in issue.                                                         
               With respect to OGT 90, we previously concluded that                   
          petitioners failed to offer sufficient evidence substantiating              
          OGT 90's alleged acquisition of 1,301 breeding sheep during 1990.           
          Consequently, we sustain respondent's determinations in the FPAA            
          that OGT 90 is not entitled to a depreciation deduction with                
          respect to such breeding sheep for 1991.  See Rules 142(a), 240             
          Issue 2.  Interest Deductions                                               
               As discussed supra in connection with parts E and F of Issue           
          1, the Court has concluded that the purported recourse promissory           
          notes RCR #4 and RCR #6, each issued to Barnes Ranches, were not            
          a valid indebtedness.  Accordingly, we hold that RCR #4 and RCR             
          #6 are not entitled to the interest deductions they claimed for             
          the years in issue.                                                         
          Issue 3.  Certain Farm Deductions35                                         
               As discussed supra in connection with Issue 1, the Court has           
          concluded that RCR #4 and RCR #6 did not acquire the benefits and           
          burdens of ownership with respect to the breeding sheep each                
          claimed to have acquired from Barnes Ranches.  Accordingly, we              
          hold that RCR #4 and RCR #6 are not entitled to the farm                    
          deductions they claimed for the years in issue.                             

               35On brief, petitioners conceded the deductions RCR #4, RCR            
          #6, and OGT 90 claimed for drought and/or trichomoniasis.                   

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Last modified: May 25, 2011