John B. Young and Martha H. Young - Page 4

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          and, in case of default, would pay reasonable legal and other               
          expenses relating to collection proceedings.                                
             In October 1990, John defaulted on the note, and in November             
          1990, Louise filed a collection suit in the Superior Court of               
          Mecklenburg County, North Carolina.  In May 1991, the court                 
          entered a judgment (the Judgment) in favor of Louise, awarding              
          her principal and interest owed pursuant to the note and                    
          reasonable legal expenses in an amount that was to be determined            
          by the court at a later date.  In 1991, after the Judgment, John            
          paid Louise $160,000, all of which Louise recognized as interest            
          income on her 1991 Federal income tax return.                               
             In 1992, Louise initiated, and paid $8,475 of expenses                   
          relating to, litigation to execute the Judgment.  She canceled              
          the execution proceedings, however, to allow the parties to                 
          negotiate a settlement.  On December 9, 1992, Louise and John               
          entered into a Settlement Agreement and Release (the 1992                   
          Agreement) that resolved Louise's collection suit.  John agreed             
          to transfer to Louise a 59-acre tract of land (the Land) that he            
          received as part of the 1989 Property Settlement.  In exchange,             
          Louise authorized the cancellation of the Judgment and agreed to            
          surrender to John the promissory note.  Pursuant to the 1992                
          Agreement, the transfer of the Land, in December 1992, discharged           
          all of John's debts to Louise, which totaled $2,153,845 and                 
          included the following:  (1) $1,500,000 of note principal; (2)              

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Last modified: May 25, 2011