James D. Barber and Betty L. Barber - Page 42

                                       - 42 -                                         
                    A:  * * * So, yes, they [Whitman and its promoter]                
               were making maximum use, pushing the limit right to the                
               edge.  It was very aggressive or I wouldn’t have said                  
               it was.  You know, you have to know how to deal with                   
               aggressive investments.  Doesn’t mean it’s wrong, just                 
               means you take your chance.                                            
                    Q:  I’m sorry.  You said you must “take your                      
                    A:  You just take your chance.                                    
                    Q:  And this is the kind of investment that you                   
                    A:  How close can you walk to the line without                    
               getting caught or tripped.                                             
               Finally, Thompson’s letter expressed so many misgivings, and           
          was filled with so many qualifications, reservations, and                   
          disclaimers, as to undermine any contention that the letter                 
          justified petitioner’s reporting position.  Thus, numerous “areas           
          of concern” were identified in the letter.  First and foremost              
          among such “areas of concern” was the value of the recyclers,               
          which Thompson identified as “the starting point for determining            
          the amount of credits available to the Partnership.”  Thompson              
          expressly advised petitioner that “I am not in a position to                
          judge the FMV of the Recyclers”.  Yet Thompson, even with his               
          lack of appraisal skills, was able to conclude that “the                    
          valuation made in the Memorandum is challengeable.”  He then went           
          on to explain why:                                                          
               First of all, with regard to * * * [Burstein’s and                     
               Ulanoff’s reports], neither evaluator appears to be                    
               primarily a property appraiser, and neither engages in                 
               an economic analysis of cost of production of the                      

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Last modified: May 25, 2011