Ronald A. Davis - Page 5

                                        - 5 -                                         
          provided petitioner with a copy.  Appeals did not grant                     
          petitioner’s request to subpoena witnesses and documents for                
          purposes of the Appeals hearing.  Subsequently, Appeals sent a              
          “notice of determination” to petitioner.  This notice contained             
          the following pertinent language:                                           
                               NOTICE OF DETERMINATION                                
                  CONCERNING COLLECTION ACTIONS UNDER SECTION 6330                    
               Dear Mr. Davis:                                                        
               We have reviewed the proposed collection action for the                
               period shown above.  This letter is your legal Notice                  
               of Determination, as required by law.  A summary of our                
               determination is stated below and the enclosed                         
               statement shows, in detail, the matters we considered                  
               at your Appeals hearing and our conclusions.                           
                        *     *     *     *     *     *     *                         
               Summary of Determination:                                              
               The Service’s position that the assessment is valid is                 
               supported.  No evidence was presented that Mr. Davis is                
               a nonresident alien nor that he had no trade or                        
               business or income from sources in the US.  Mr. Davis                  
               did not provide valid income tax returns, evidence that                
               he was not liable for taxes nor did he address any                     
               method of paying the tax liability.  A copy of the                     
               Certificate of Records Payment Form 4340 was provided                  
               to Mr. Davis.                                                          
          The enclosed statement stated:                                              
               ATTACHMENT - 3193                                                      
               With the best information available, the requirements                  
               of various applicable law and administrative procedures                
               have been met.  The assessments are based on                           
               substitutes for returns.  The only legal requirements                  
               before taking general enforcement action are the notice                
               and demand and the notice of intent to levy and notice                 
               of right to a collection due process hearing.  Computer                
               records indicate that the appropriate notices were sent                

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Last modified: May 25, 2011