Bernardus A. P. Dobbe and Klazina W. Dobbe - Page 17

                                       - 17 -                                         
          by Holland America.  They insisted that Mr. and Mrs. Dobbe leased           
          to Holland America the entire property located at 1066 South                
          Pekin Road, including the Dobbe residence.  By reason of its                
          alleged leasehold interest in the Dobbe residence, Holland                  
          America claimed it furnished lodging and meals on its business              
          premises to Mr. and Mrs. Dobbe and is entitled to deduct 100                
          percent of Mr. and Mrs. Dobbe’s personal lodging and grocery                
          costs as its business expenses.                                             
               As we previously held, the written leases in effect for                
          periods prior to October 1, 1993, did not cover the Dobbe                   
          residence.  Although the record establishes that Mr. and Mrs.               
          Dobbe set aside a portion of their residence as Holland America’s           
          business office, the record is devoid of any persuasive evidence            
          establishing that any part of the Dobbe residence actually was              
          rented by Holland America and, in particular, that any of the               
          rent paid by Holland America to Mr. and Mrs. Dobbe was                      
          attributable to the residence.  With this framework in mind, we             
          address each of the disputed expense categories.                            
               B.  Landscaping (“Advertising” Expense)                                
               Petitioners argued that the entire landscaping expense,                
          incurred primarily to install landscaping near and surrounding              
          Mr. and Mrs. Dobbe’s residence, was properly deducted under                 
          section 162.  According to petitioners, the new landscaping was             
          necessary to improve the “first impression” of Holland America’s            

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Last modified: May 25, 2011