Exxon Mobil Corporation and Affiliated Companies, f.k.a. Exxon Corporation and Affiliated Companies - Page 13

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          Unitization of Oil Company Interests in Prudhoe Bay Oil Field               
               Effective April 1, 1977, to save costs and to enhance                  
          operating efficiencies, Exxon and the other oil companies owning            
          the oil exploration and production leases in the Prudhoe Bay                
          field entered into a unitization or partnership agreement with              
          the State of Alaska (Unit Agreement) under which they unitized              
          their oil exploration and production leases into a single                   
          operating partnership, the Prudhoe Bay Unit (the PBU).                      
               The Unit Agreement divided the Prudhoe Bay oil field into              
          two operating areas–-the Western Operating Area to be operated by           
          BP and the Eastern Operating Area to be operated by ARCO.                   
               Also, effective April 1, 1977, the PBU partners entered into           
          the PBU Operating Agreement (Operating Agreement), which                    
          established how the PBU would be operated and how costs would be            
          shared among Exxon and the other oil companies with ownership               
          interests in the PBU.  As indicated, under the Unit and Operating           
          Agreements, Exxon’s share of the total costs of constructing and            
          operating the Prudhoe Bay oil field was approximately 22 percent.           
               When the PBU terminates, the individual leases to the oil              
          companies will remain in force for at least 1 year or for as long           
          as the lessee oil companies continue production of oil on the               
          leases in paying quantities.  The separate oil companies may take           
          over and continue to operate wells and equipment on their leases            
          after the Unit Agreement terminates.  As permitted by                       

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Last modified: May 25, 2011