- 3 - Background The facts may be summarized as follows. Flahertys Arden Bowl, Inc. (petitioner), is a corporation organized under the laws of Minnesota. Patrick F. Flaherty (Mr. Flaherty) owns 57 percent of the common stock of petitioner and is the secretary of petitioner. Mr. Flaherty is an attorney licensed to practice law in the State of Minnesota. Beginning in 1968, Mr. Flaherty’s employer, Moss & Barnett, P.A., maintained a qualified profit sharing plan. Moss & Barnett, P.A., also maintained a qualified pension plan. Both plans were trusts as defined in section 401(a) and were exempt from tax under section 501(a). Mr. Flaherty participated in both plans. U.S. Bank, National Association, is the successor trustee of both plans.2 Both plans were defined contribution plans and provided segregated account balances for each participant. Both plans permitted the participant to direct up to 100 percent of the account assets. During the period January 29, 1981, through June 15, 1982, Mr. Flaherty directed the trustee of his profit sharing plan 2 First National Bank of Minneapolis was the original trustee of both plans. In 1986, the trust department of First National Bank of Minneapolis merged with First Trust Company of St. Paul. First Trust Company of St. Paul became First Trust National Association, which is now known as U.S. Bank, National Association.Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011