Estate of Ethel Josephine Spowart Hinz - Page 4

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               When the petition was filed in the instant case, both the              
          place for the estate’s administration and the executor’s legal              
          residence were in Saratoga, California, and the estate’s probate            
          administration was in the Superior Court for Santa Clara County,            
               Decedent died on May 4, 1992.  At the time of her death,               
          decedent owned several real properties located in and around                
          Santa Clara, California.                                                    
               In her holographic will, dated November 29, 1991, decedent             
          named her son, Lester F. Hinz, Jr. (hereinafter sometimes                   
          referred to as Hinz), as sole heir and executor of her estate.              
          This was about the time that decendent’s daughter died.  Hinz and           
          decedent’s daughter were decedent’s only children.  In May 1992,            
          Hinz engaged William R. Christy (hereinafter sometimes referred             
          to as Christy) to represent the estate and, as part of that                 
          representation, to “do the federal estate tax return”.  Christy             
          had been “the family attorney” for about 40 years.  When Hinz               

          overruled these objections, ruling that these exhibits are                  
          admissible for all purposes and that respondent had a standing              
          objection as to the expressed relevance concerns.  The Court also           
          gave respondent the right to renew these objections on opening              
          brief, but only if respondent’s counsel gave appropriate notice             
          to petitioner’s counsel of an intent to renew the objections on             
          brief.  Respondent has not renewed these relevance objections on            

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Last modified: May 25, 2011