Archie L. and Louise B. Honbarrier - Page 16

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          368(a)(1)(A).  See sec. 1.368-1(b), Income Tax Regs.; T.D. 7745,            
          1981-1 C.B. 134.  Failure to comply with any one of these                   
          requirements will preclude treatment as a tax-free reorganization           
          within the meaning of section 368(a)(1)(A).                                 
               Respondent argues that the merger failed to meet the                   
          continuity of business enterprise requirement necessary to                  
          qualify the merger as a tax-free reorganization within the                  
          meaning of section 368(a)(1)(A).10  The continuity of business              
          enterprise requirement was first expressed in Cortland Specialty            
          Co. v. Commissioner, supra.  See Laure v. Commissioner, 653 F.2d            
          253, 258 (6th Cir. 1981).  This requirement is now embodied in              
          section 1.368-1(b), Income Tax Regs., and described in paragraph            
          (d) of the same section.  These regulations are based on an                 
          interpretation of judicial precedents which articulate the                  
          continuity of business enterprise doctrine.  See T.D. 7745, 1981-           
          1 C.B. 134.  The basic concept behind the continuity of business            
          enterprise requirement is that the receipt of a new ownership               
          interest in an entity that retains none of the business                     
          attributes of the shareholder’s former corporation is more                  
          closely akin to a sale or liquidation than to a mere adjustment             
          in the form of ownership.  See Laure v. Commissioner, supra at              

               10Respondent also argues that the merger did not have any              
          business purpose.  Because we hold that the merger did not                  
          satisfy the continuity of business enterprise requirement, we               
          need not address respondent’s alternative argument.                         

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