-14- estimates of losses turned out to be significantly higher than actual losses. For example, petitioner's estimated loss reserve for claims arising in 1995, as stated in its 1997 annual statement, was $7,254,000, in contrast to the $12,500,000 that was initially stated in its 1995 annual statement.12 Similarly, for each of the years in issue, petitioner’s initial estimates of losses, stated as a percentage of premiums earned for the year, turned out to be much higher than actual losses. For example, as of the end of 1993, petitioner estimated that it would pay out in net loss and loss expenses on 1993 claims 94.7 percent of the premiums earned for that year. By the end of 1995 petitioner had revised that figure to 60 percent, and by the end of 1997 petitioner had further revised that figure to 44.2 percent.13 12 Petitioner’s reserves for claims arising in the years 1993 through 1995, as originally reported and as adjusted as of the time petitioner completed its 1997 annual statement, were as follows: As Originally As Estimated on Year Reported 1997 Annual Statement 1993 $11,633,000 $4,934,000 1994 11,576,000 4,330,000 1995 12,490,000 7,254,000 13 The following table sets out petitioner's estimated percentage of premiums earned that would be paid out in losses and loss expenses, net of reinsurance, initially and as later (continued...)Page: Previous 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011