Neonatology Associates, P.A., et al - Page 81

                                               - 81 -                                                  
            extent they did fund term life insurance for the relevant                                  
            3.  Neonatology Contributions as to Mr. Mall                                               
                  Neonatology contributed money to the Neonatology Plan for                            
            the benefit of Mr. Mall.  Mr. Mall was neither an employee of                              
            Neonatology nor an individual who was eligible to participate in                           
            Neonatology’s Plan.  We conclude that these contributions served                           
            no business purpose of Neonatology, and, hence, that they were                             
            not ordinary and necessary expenses paid to carry on                                       
            Neonatology’s business.  See sec. 1.162-10(a), Income Tax Regs.;                           
            see also Joel A. Schneider, M.D., S.C. v. Commissioner, T.C.                               
            Memo. 1992-24; Moser v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 1989-142.  The                            
            contributions are nondeductible constructive distributions to Dr.                          
            4. & 5.  Marlton Contributions as to Dr. Lo and Its Two Employees                          
                  Marlton contributed money to the Marlton Plan to purchase                            
            life insurance on the lives of three individuals; namely, Dr. Lo,                          
            Ms. Lo, and Edward Lo.  As to Dr. Lo, he was neither a Marlton                             
            employee nor an individual who was eligible to participate in                              
            Marlton’s plan.  We conclude that the contributions made on his                            
            behalf served no legitimate business purpose of Marlton, and,                              

                  33 We view Dr. Mall, Neonatology’s sole shareholder, as                              
            having directed her corporation to make these contributions on                             
            behalf of her husband.  Accordingly, we view these contributions                           
            as passing first through Dr. Mall on the way to the Neonatology                            

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