The Nis Family Trust - Page 32

                                               - 32 -                                                  
                  C.  Conclusion                                                                       
                  Based either on the negligence of petitioners or their                               
            substantial understatements of income tax, the motions for                                 
            partial summary judgment shall be granted.  Petitioners are                                
            liable for the section 6662 penalties determined by respondent.                            
            III.  Orders To Show Cause                                                                 
                  A.  Penalty Pursuant to Section 6673(a)(1)                                           
                        1.  Introduction                                                               
                  Petitioners in each of these cases have been ordered to show                         
            cause why the Court should not impose a penalty pursuant to                                
            section 6673(a)(1) (the order to show cause or the order).  No                             
            petitioner has obeyed the order.  Respondent has filed his                                 
            memorandum of points and authorities in support of the order                               
            (respondent’s memorandum).  For the reasons that follow, we shall                          
            make the order to show cause absolute.                                                     
                        2.  Section 6673(a)(1)                                                         
                  Section 6673 provides for the imposition of penalties and                            
            the awarding of costs.  Section 6673(a) applies to proceedings                             
            before the Tax Court; in pertinent part, it provides:                                      
                        (1) Procedures instituted primarily for delay,                                 
                  Whenever it appears to the Tax Court that--                                          
                        (A) proceedings before it have been                                            
                        instituted or maintained by the taxpayer                                       
                        primarily for delay,                                                           

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Last modified: May 25, 2011