Phillip A. O'Bryon and Cyndie W. O'Bryon - Page 37

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              Category/        Prior to      6/24/1998 to       1/19/1999 to        1/1/2000 to                
               Attorney        6/24/1998  1/18/1999          12/31/1999          3/20/2000                     
              Disallowed (0%)                                                                                  
              Widen               1.8      -0-  120   -0-     5.3 $130   -0-   23.5 $140    -0-                
              McArthur            –-       1.7  110   -0-     –-   –-    --      –-   –-     –-                
              Newman –-    –- –- --   -0- 120 -0-   20.3 130 -0-                                               
              Gibbons             –-       –-   –-    –-      –-   –-    –-     0.3   140   -0-                
              Total               1.8      1.7  –-    -0-     5.3  –-    -0-   44.1   –-    -0-                
              Widen               --       -0-  120   -0-     1.8  130   $234    1    140  $140                
              McArthur            --       1.4  110  $154     –-   –-    –-      –-   –-     –-                
              Newman              --       –-   –-    –-      8    120  960   -0-     130   -0-                
              Total               --       1.4  –-    154     9.8  –- 1,194      1    –-    140                
              General (20%)                                                                                    
              Widen               --      25.8  120   619.20 29.8  130   774.80 34.4  140   963.20             
              McArthur            --      17.1  110   376.20  –-   –-    –-      –-   –-     –-                
              Newman              --      –-    –-  –-       1.5   120  36    8.2     130  213.20              
              Total               --      42.9  –-    995.40 31.3  –-    810.80 42.6  –- 1,176.40              

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Last modified: May 25, 2011