Lucielle J. Offiler, a.k.a. Lucille Offiler - Page 11

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          petition must be filed within 30 days of such a determination.              
               The notice of determination provided for in section 6330 is,           
          from a jurisdictional perspective, the equivalent of a notice of            
          deficiency.  We have held that the absence of a valid notice of             
          deficiency is a basis for dismissal for lack of jurisdiction.               
          See Savage v. Commissioner, 112 T.C. 46, 48 (1999); Monge v.                
          Commissioner, 93 T.C. 22, 27 (1989).  This Court's jurisdiction             
          under section 6330(d) is dependent on the issuance of a valid               
          notice of determination and a timely petition for review.  It               
          therefore follows that the absence of an Appeals determination              
          under section 6330 is grounds for dismissal of a petition that              
          purports to be based on section 6330.  Because there was no                 
          Appeals determination for this Court to review, there is simply             
          no basis for our jurisdiction under section 6330(d).  We shall              
          therefore dismiss this case for lack of jurisdiction.                       
               To reflect the foregoing,                                              

                                        An appropriate order                          
                                   will be entered.                                   

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Last modified: May 25, 2011