Carol M. Read, et al. - Page 57

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          on the existence of corporate earnings and profits.2                        
               The primary and unconditional standard is applicable to                
          stock redemptions required by divorce judgments.  For example in            
          Edler v. Commissioner, supra, a divorce settlement and judgment             
          required a redemption of the wife’s corporate shares leaving the            
          husband in control of the corporation.  This Court and the Court            
          of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit found that the redemption                  
          required by the “modified” settlement and judgment did not                  
          relieve the husband of a primary and unconditional obligation to            
          purchase his wife’s stock, and as a result, the husband did not             
          receive a constructive dividend.  In Edler, the “original”                  
          settlement and judgment required the husband to pay his wife for            
          her stock interest.  The Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit             
          noted that had the “original” divorce settlement and judgment               
          remained in effect, the corporation’s redemption payment to the             
          wife would have satisfied the husband’s obligation and would have           
          been treated as a dividend to the husband.  See Edler v. Commis-            
          sioner, 727 F.2d at 860.                                                    
               Court opinions dealing with taxable years prior to the                 
          enactment of section 1041 generally do not discuss the tax                  
          treatment of the stockholder whose stock was being redeemed.                

               2No one questions that MMP had earnings and profits in                 
          excess of the redemption payments.  MMP’s income tax returns for            
          the relevant years show unappropriated retained earnings in                 
          excess of $1 million.                                                       

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