Rhone Poulenc Surfactants and Specialties, L.P. - Page 19

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          statute of limitations.17  None of the cited sections are                   
          inconsistent with our interpretation that section 6229 provides             
          an alternative minimum period of limitations.  Section 6229(a)              
          holds open the section 6501 limitations period as to all partners           
          for a fixed period of time, thereby providing a minimum period              
          within which to assess adjustments attributable to partnership              
          items against all partners.  A general reference to section                 
          6229(a) as a period of limitations does not demonstrate any                 
          intention as to whether the minimum period provided in section              
          6229(a) exclusively defines the period of limitations, versus               
          only a minimum period, or whether it operates on all assessments            
          versus only specified assessments.  Those questions must be                 
          answered by examining the provision referenced, which, in the               
          instance of section 6229(a), refers to a period for assessing any           
          tax which “shall not expire before” the later of the partnership            
          return filing or due date.  The “period for assessing any tax”              
          that is specifically referred to in section 6229(a) must, of                

               17Petitioner cites:  (1) Sec. 6503(a)(1) ("the period of               
          limitations provided in section 6501 or 6502 (or section 6229               
          * * *)"); (2) sec. 6229(h) ("the running of the period of                   
          limitations provided in this section"); (3) sec. 6230(d)(1) ("the           
          period of limitation prescribed in section 6229 with respect to             
          such partner for assessment of any tax attributable to such                 
          [partnership or affected] item."); (4) sec. 6228(a)(3)(C) ("the             
          expiration of the period prescribed by section 6229 for making              
          assessments of tax attributable to partnership items for such               
          taxable year."); and (5) sec. 6234(g)(2) ("the period prescribed            
          by section 6229 for assessing any tax under subtitle A which is             
          attributable to any partnership item or affected item for the               
          taxable year involved.").                                                   

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Last modified: May 25, 2011