Salina Partnership LP - Page 25

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               SEC. 732(b).  Distributions in Liquidation.--                          
                    The basis of property (other than money) distributed              
               by a partnership to a partner in liquidation of the                    
               partner’s interest shall be an amount equal to the                     
               adjusted basis of such partner’s interest in the                       
               partnership reduced by any money distributed in the same               
          Pursuant to sections 732 and 723, upon the recontribution of the            
          property back to the partnership, the partnership’s substituted             
          basis in the property is equal to the adjusted basis of the                 
          property in the hands of the contributing partner.                          
               Based upon these provisions, Salina concluded that its assets          
          were deemed distributed to FPL, Caraville, and Pallico, and,                
          immediately thereafter, deemed recontributed to the partnership             
          with bases equal to the partners’ outside bases in the partnership.         
          Respondent determined that Salina is not entitled to rely upon the          
          provisions outlined above, citing several alternative grounds.              
               1.  Economic Substance                                                 
               Respondent first contends that FPL’s investment in Salina              
          during the period December 28 through 31, 1992, should be                   
          disregarded for tax purposes as a sham in substance.  In so                 
          arguing, respondent asserts that the Court should segregate FPL’s           
          investment in Salina into two parts:  (1) FPL’s investment in               
          Salina during the period December 28 through 31, 1992, and (2)              
          FPL’s investment in Salina during the period January 1, 1993,               
          through the dissolution and liquidation of the partnership in               
          November 1994.  Although respondent concedes that FPL had a valid           

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Last modified: May 25, 2011