- 6 - Sigco stock to his children and their spouses and children, decedent transferred4 shares to his brother's son and his family, as follows: Relationship of Number Value Transferee Transferee to Decedent of Sharesof Shares Jody Nephew 2.22 $19,980 Holly Schuler (Holly) Niece by marriage 2.22 19,980 George IV Grandnephew 1.81 16,290 Total 56,250 On that same day, in addition to transferring shares of Sigco stock to Jody and his wife and their children, George transferred shares to decedent's children and their spouses, as follows: Relationship of Number Value Transferee Transferee to Decedent of Sharesof Shares Jay Son 2.22 $19,980 Thomas Son 2.22 19,980 Jennifer Daughter-in-law 2.22 19,980 Cynthia Deal Daughter 2.16 19,440 Mike Deal Son-in-law 2.16 19,440 Constance Waibel Daughter 2.22 19,980 Christine Haire Daughter 2.22 19,980 Kathleen Deal Daughter 2.22 19,980 Karen Steinborn Daughter 2.16 19,440 Kyle Steinborn Son-in-law 2.16 19,440 Total 197,640 1994 Transfers of Minn-Kota Stock On December 28, 1994, decedent transferred shares of Minn- 4Decedent's wife consented to have the transfers (including generation-skipping transfers) made by decedent during 1994 considered as made one-half by each. See sec. 2513(a).Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011