Larry D. & Gail Scott - Page 5

                                        - 5 -                                         
               Ms. Pearson’s examination of petitioners’ returns was                  
          briefly interrupted for work-related training from March 16,                
          1992, to April 17, 1992.  She also worked on other examinations             
          from April 17, 1992, to June 13, 1992.  A closing conference with           
          petitioner, Ms. Reid, and petitioners’ son was held on June 17,             
          1992.  The examination was closed with the issuance of the                  
          revenue agent’s report, dated June 26, 1992 (RAR).                          
               Numerous adjustments are contained in the RAR.  The cost of            
          goods sold claimed for each year is reduced, as are a number of             
          deductions.  Deficiencies of $14,694 and $16,083 for the years              
          1989 and 1990, respectively, are proposed in the RAR.                       
              By Report Transmittal dated July 6, 1992, (the T-Letter) the           
          RAR was forwarded for review.  In the T-Letter, Ms. Pearson                 
          recommended that an inadequate records notice be issued to the              
          petitioners because petitioners’ books and records were not                 
          sufficiently detailed.  According to the T-Letter, business                 
          expenses could not be distinguished from personal expenses                  
          because petitioners kept business and personal records in one set           
          of books.  The T-Letter also notes that petitioners did not                 
          maintain a log to verify business use of an automobile.                     
               Petitioners did not agree with the proposed adjustments to             
          their income tax returns and, on August 5, 1992, their authorized           
          representative, C. Ray Hunter (Mr. Hunter), requested a hearing             
          with an Appeals Officer.  By letter dated September 10, 1992,               

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Last modified: May 25, 2011