- 18 - were presented as most comparable by Wheeler do not appear to apply to this analysis. From the limited information regarding the conservation easement sales in Wheeler's 1998 report, it is difficult to surmise that any of these conservation easement transactions were comparable to the MLR easement. The limited information regarding the conservation easement sales also makes it difficult to determine whether any of the underlying properties involved in these sales were comparable to petitioner's property. Because of the limited information in Wheeler's report, we place no reliance on the conservation easement sales transactions. Wheeler included 31 sales of easement-encumbered property in his 1998 report. The diminution percentages attributable to the conservation easements involved in the 31 sales were derived by an analysis of either easement-encumbered property sales or paired sales. Four of the thirty-one properties in this analysis appear to be comparable to petitioner's property. These properties are numbered 38, 58, 61, and 63 in Wheeler's report.10 Each of the properties appears to have excellent potential as a recreational homesite, high recreational amenities, and conservation easements that are similar to the MLR easement. In addition, the properties were located in markets with a high 10Properties 58, 61, and 63 are numbered 59, 62, and 64 in the addendum to Wheeler's report.Page: Previous 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011