- 18 - selected partnerships that owned real estate (residential and/or commercial), had low debt or leverage, had cash flows greater than their distributions and capital expenditures, and had assets that were valued by independent appraisers. Dr. Kursh's criteria produced 16 comparables. According to his report, investors in these 16 comparables “anticipated annual returns from cash distributions ranging from 9.31 percent to 11.58 percent.” Dr. Kursh selected the midpoint of those yields, 10.45 percent, as the rate of return an investor would require for a minority interest investment in a limited partnership with the characteristics of the comparables. Dr. Kursh then made three adjustments to the average yield of the comparables to take into account the particular characteristics of Hill House. First, Dr. Kursh added 50 basis points to account for the fact that Hill House owned only one piece of property and thus lacked diversity, while the comparables owned multiple pieces of property. Second, Dr. Kursh subtracted 100 basis points to account for the fact that the general partner of Hill House was also a limited partner. According to Dr. Kursh, this commonality of interest would tend to ensure cashPage: Previous 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011