Danielle L. Clark-Hernandez - Page 9

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            $50,407, $36,560, and $37,246, respectively.  Petitioner reported                          

            a net Schedule C profit of $1,915 for 1991, a loss of $11,939 for                          

            1992, and a loss of $15,610 for 1993.                                                      

            D.  Respondent’s Determination                                                             

                  Respondent issued a notice of deficiency and made the                                

            following adjustments to Schedule C deductions by petitioner:                              

                           1991                      1992                      1993                    
                      ClaimedAllowed Dis-   Claimed Allowed Dis-    ClaimedAllowed Dis-                
                                     allowed                allowed                allowed             
             Advert.  $210   $210    0      $948   $948     0       $975   $975    0                   
             Car and  7,709  5,462   2,247  7,865   4,020    3,845  2,249  4,244   (1,995)             
             Commission     --     --     --     --     --     --    288      0    288                 
             Insurance408    362     46     1,104   1,104   0       1,935  2,034   (99)                
             Legal and696    696     0      898     898     0       407    407     0                   
             prof. serv.                                                                               
             Office   4,829  2,758   2,071  8,535   2,195   6,340   9,308  1,451   7,857               
             Rent -                                                                                    
             Vehicle     --     --     --     --     --     --  3,734      0  3,734                    
             Rent -   1,620  1,700   (80)   4,375   1,200   3,175   6,900  1,200   5,700               
             Taxes    6      6       0      12      12      0       5      5      0                    
             Travel   1,619  311     1,308  392     392     0       645    645     0                   
             Meals/Ent.8,964  1,000   7,964  6,677   1,000   5,677   7,252  1,000   6,252               
             Utilities3,341  1,553   1,788  2,864   1,564    1,300  3,724  1,220   2,504               
             Wages    600    0       600    4,583   4,583   0       2,085  2,085   0                   
             Donations    600      0    600    100      0    100     --     --     --                  
             Payroll  1,015  1,015   0      1,040   1,049   (9)     222    249     (27)                
             Gifts    640    205     435    683     142     541     2,643  25  2,618                   
             Supplies    949      0    949     --     --     --  7,337  3,359  3,978                   
             Services     --     –     –     --     --     --  1,487  1,425     62                     
             Deprec.     --     --     --      0    303   (303)      0    641   (641)                  
             Maint.     –-     --     --     --     --     --  1,660    197  1,463                     
             Total    33,206 15,278  17,928 40,076  19,410  20,666  52,856 21,162  31,694              
             Cost of Goods Sold                                                                        
                      ClaimedAllowed Dis-   Claimed Allowed Dis-    ClaimedAllowed Dis-                
                                     allowed                allowed                allowed             
             Cost of                                                                                   
             Labor  8,838  8,838      0  1,696  1,527    169     --     --     --                      
             Supplies  6,448  4,932  1,516  6,702  3,827  2,875     --     --     --                   
             Available15,286 13,770  1,516  8,398   5,354   3,044   --     --     –-                   
                  Also, for 1991, 1992, and 1993, respondent allowed                                   

            petitioner adjusted deductions of $1,373, $832, and $1,137,                                

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Last modified: May 25, 2011