Cristeen B. Comey - Page 12

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          Riopelle also testified that he backdated documents at Mr.                  
          Comey’s request.  We found Mr. Riopelle’s testimony to be                   
          forthright and credible.  Moreover, it is supported by other                
          evidence in the record.  It is clear that Mr. Riopelle wrote                
          checks on Landtrak’s checking account, as part of the liquidation           
          of his investment in Landtrak, in 1988.  In addition, documents             
          sent to the State of Wisconsin and to Swiss Bank Corp. indicate,            
          consistently with Mr. Riopelle’s testimony, that Mr. Riopelle               
          controlled Landtrak until 1988.                                             
               We also note that the parties orally stipulated at trial               
          that Mr. Riopelle may not have executed the writings on his                 
          Landtrak stock certificate, i.e., the writings assertedly                   
          canceling Mr. Riopelle’s certificate and assigning his stock to             
          Landtrak, until March 1988, notwithstanding the written                     
          stipulations that Mr. Riopelle’s stock was redeemed on January 1,           
          1987.  Moreover, Mrs. Comey admitted during respondent’s cross-             
          examination that she did not remember acquiring Landtrak stock on           
          January 1, 1987.                                                            
               For all these reasons, we find that Mrs. Comey did not                 
          acquire Landtrak’s stock on January 1, 1987.  To the contrary, we           
          find that Mr. Riopelle remained Landtrak’s sole owner until at              
          least February 1988.  The documents indicating that a change of             
          ownership occurred on January 1, 1987, are unreliable.  In                  
          addition, the parties’ written stipulations that a change of                

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Last modified: May 25, 2011