- 3 - 9. CHILD CUSTODY AND VISITATION The wife shall have the primary residential care of the minor child with the parties enjoying shared parental responsibility as outlined hereinabove. The husband shall have reasonable and liberal rights of visitation that shall include a schedule as follows: 1. The husband shall have from every Wednesday evening through Saturday morning. The agreement further provided for a detailed schedule of physical custody during holidays and special occasions. Petitioner was required to pay $475 per month for support of Aaron. Petitioner was also required to pay for medical insurance for Aaron as well as any medical bills. Respondent has not raised any questions that support and other payments were not made pursuant to the agreement. On his 1997 Federal income tax return, petitioner claimed head-of-household filing status and a dependency exemption deduction for his son. In the notice of deficiency, respondent disallowed the claimed dependency exemption deduction and also adjusted the filing status from head-of-household to single because Mrs. De Strooper had custody of Aaron. Petitioner asserts that he is entitled to the dependency deduction and the head-of-household filing status since his son lived with him half the time and he paid more for his son’s support than Mrs. De Strooper. He further argues that the language in the maritalPage: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011