Robert B. and Betty D. Harris - Page 7

                                        - 6 -                                         

                    Gross receipts           $105,600.00                              
                    Cost of Goods Sold1      (30,634.35)                              
                    Gross income             $ 74,965.65                              
                    Advertising              $   866.90                               
                    Car and truck expenses   3,987.59                                 
                    Insurance                1,111.67                                 
                    Legal & professional     980.00                                   
                    Office expense           446.59                                   
                    Rent or lease (vehicles)    1,840.15                              
                    Rent or lease (other)    5,500.00                                 
                    Repairs & maintenance    186.82                                   
                    Supplies                 1,309.94                                 
                    Travel                   8,413.70                                 
                    Meals & Entertainment2   515.73                                   
                    Other expenses3           2,783.77                                
                    Total expenses           $27,942.86                               
               Net profit                    $47,022.79                               

               1 Includes Los Angeles apartment rental payments and                   
               $36 per day claimed as per diem for 344 days away from                 
               2 Fifty percent of $1,031.46 expenses.                                 
               3 Consisted of expenses for equipment, miscellaneous,                  
               parking, telephone, and dues & subscriptions.                          

               Petitioners also included Schedules C with their 1995 and              
          1996 joint Federal income tax returns.  For 1995, the                       
          Schedule C included:                                                        

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Last modified: May 25, 2011