Estate of Frank Johnson - Page 115

                                       - 43 -                                         
                    3.  Longwood Property                                             
               On January 7, 1991, Frank and Katherine transferred the                
          Longwood property to Larry and Ronnie by quitclaim deed for a               
          stated nominal consideration.  Pursuant to the quitclaim deed,              
          Frank and Katherine retained for themselves “the exclusive                  
          possession, use, and enjoyment of the rents, issues, and profits            
          of the above-granted premises for and during the[ir] natural                
          lifetime”.  A real estate tax bill dated January 1, 1991, showed            
          a real estate tax value for the Longwood property of $236,110.  A           
          real estate tax bill dated November 16, 1992, showed a real                 
          estate tax value for the Longwood property of $209,110.                     
                    4.  Port St. Lucie Property                                       
               On January 7, 1991, Katherine transferred to Larry and                 
          Ronnie by quitclaim deed property located in Port St. Lucie for a           
          stated nominal consideration.                                               
                    5.  Automobiles                                                   
               In August 1992, Frank transferred his 1967 Rolls Royce to              
          Larry for no consideration.  At the time of the transfer, the               
          Rolls Royce had a value of $25,000.  Also in August 1992, Frank             
          transferred the 1986 Lamborghini to Larry for no consideration.             
          At the time of transfer, the Lamborghini had a value of $52,000.            

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Last modified: May 25, 2011