- 10 - office on the answers to the following questions: (1) Whether the benefit provided under article 8 is an accrued benefit under section 411(a)(7)(A)(i) for pre-1991 retirees; and (2) whether the amendment that discontinued NPF COLAs for pre-1991 retirees reduced those participants’ accrued benefits in violation of section 411(d)(6)(A). By letter dated September 8, 1999, the District Office sent a copy of the TAM to the Plan’s counsel. The TAM concludes that the amendment to article 8 violates section 411(d)(6). The letter asked the Plan to submit a corrective amendment. By letter dated October 4, 1999, the Plan’s counsel notified the District Office that petitioner did not intend to make any corrective amendment to the Plan. On March 6, 2000, respondent issued to the Plan a final adverse determination letter that stated that the Plan failed to qualify under section 401(a) for 1995 and thereafter. It also stated that the trust underlying the Plan was not exempt from Federal income taxation under section 501(a) for the related years. The adverse determination was generally based upon the reasons stated in the TAM. Discussion We must decide whether the NPF COLA is an accrued benefit of the pre-1991 retirees, the elimination of which violated the anticutback rule of section 411(d)(6). Petitioner maintains thatPage: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011