- 6 - Article Five “Power of Trustees”, section 5.5 of the Tarragon trust instrument states as follows: NOTWITHSTANDING any other provision in this Trust instrument, no power shall be exercised, nor any action taken, by the Trustees except upon the unanimous consent of all Trustees having authority as supplemented by the minutes and resolutions to exercise that power, and shall not be construed to contrivance [sic] of any constitutional state or federal law. “Schedule B” attached to the Tarragon trust instrument lists the property transferred to the trust as follows: Twenty-One (21) Silver Dollars (face value); Pre-1964 Coinage of Account of the United States of America; One (1) Ten Dollar Bill; Love & Kindness[;] 1 COMPUTER, KEYBOARD, MOUSE, & MONITOR. “Attachment A” to the Tarragon trust instrument is an undated letter signed by Zola Sheehan for Cypress Management and addressed to “The Settlor of Taragon Trust”, stating: “I am in receipt of your letter dated 28 April 1994, appointing me Trustee of Taragon Trust, WHICH I HEREBY ACCEPT IMMEDIATELY.” A second “Attachment A” to the Tarragon trust instrument is a similar undated letter, this one signed by Paul Jablonski, again addressed to “The Settlor of Taragon Trust” and stating: “I am in receipt of your letter dated 28 April 1994, appointing me Trustee of Tarragon Trust, WHICH I HEREBY ACCEPT IMMEDIATELY.” “Schedule C” attached to the Tarragon trust instrument lists 6(...continued) Jurisdiction. See docket No. 10710-00 and our Memorandum Opinion at T.C. Memo. 2001-316.Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011