Oreland A. and Lucille S. Thornsjo - Page 4

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          Bear Lake, Minnesota, when they filed the petition in this case.            
          References to Thornsjo are to petitioner Oreland A. Thornsjo.               
          References to Woolf are to petitioner Donald L. Woolf.                      
          References to Furlong are to petitioner Lawrence J. Furlong.                
          A.  The Hamilton Transactions                                               
               These consolidated cases are part of the Plastics Recycling            
          group of cases.  The additions to tax arise from the disallowance           
          of losses, investment credits, and energy credits claimed by                
          petitioners with respect to a partnership called Hamilton                   
          Recycling Associates (Hamilton or the partnership).                         
               For a detailed discussion of the transactions involved in              
          the Plastics Recycling cases, see Provizer v. Commissioner, T.C.            
          Memo. 1992-177, affd. per curiam without published opinion 996              
          F.2d 1216 (6th Cir. 1993).  The underlying transactions involving           
          the Sentinel recycling machines (recyclers) in these cases are              
          substantially identical to the transactions in Provizer v.                  
          Commissioner, supra.                                                        
               In a series of simultaneous transactions closely resembling            
          those in Provizer, that for convenience are referred to herein as           
          the Hamilton transactions, Packaging Industries Group (PI) of               

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Last modified: May 25, 2011