Edward C. Tietig - Page 52

                                       - 52 -                                         
               We note that in petitioner’s reply brief, he considers                 
          several issues conceded.  We list below all the issues that                 
          petitioner considered conceded in his reply brief.                          
               The $1,755 gain in 1990 due to realized gains on foreclosed            
          properties was not listed as one of the issues not in                       
          controversy.  Another issue, gain on the sale of 53 lots, was               
          conceded by petitioner in his reply brief because it was not                
          petitioned.  However, in his petition, petitioner alleged error             
          by respondent on the sale of the 53 lots and argued the issue in            
          his brief and reply brief.  In light of the inconsistency, we               
          shall view the matter in the light most favorable to petitioner,            
          and we consider his arguments in the opinion.                               
               With respect to the other issues considered not in                     
          controversy by petitioner in his reply brief, we consider the               
          following issues conceded.                                                  
               Petitioner concedes that in 1990, Farm & Grove earned income           
          of $168,567 on account of installment sales made during 1989.               
          Petitioner concedes that in 1990, Farm & Grove earned income of             
          $50,987 on account of installment sales made during 1990.                   
               Petitioner concedes that his distributive share of income              
          from Farm & Grove in 1991 is a loss of $97,501, in 1992 is a loss           
          of $7,083, and in 1993 is a loss of $75,072.                                
               Petitioner concedes that he is liable for an $8,259 self-              
          employment tax in 1991 and a $6,848 self-employment tax in 1993.            

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