Estate of H.A. True, Jr. - Page 253

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          Issue 4.  Are Petitioners Liable for Valuation Understatement               
          Penalties Under Sections 6662(a), (g), and (h)?                             
                                  FINDINGS OF FACT                                    
              On an attachment to his 1993 gift tax return, Dave True                 
          disclosed the sale to his wife and sons of 30-percent interests             
          in the True partnerships listed in Appendix schedule 1.  The                
          attachment listed the partnerships whose interests were sold and            
          indicated, in general terms, that the sales price was book value,           
          without providing actual numbers.  The 1993 gift tax return                 
          reported zero as the value of gifts attributable to these                   
          transactions.  Petitioners did not engage a professional                    
          appraiser to value the transferred interests in the True                    
          partnerships for gift tax reporting purposes.                               
              The estate tax return did not list individually the                     
          interests in True companies that Dave True owned at death.                  
          Instead, it showed on Schedule F, Other Miscellaneous Property              
          Not Reportable Under any Other Schedule, the value of Dave True’s           
          living trust, which owned his interests in the True companies at            
          death.  Another schedule attached to the estate tax return                  
          provided a breakdown of the assets owned by the living trust as             
          of June 4, 1994, which included cash of $39,349,150, investments,           
          notes receivable from some of the True companies, and                       
          miscellaneous assets.  Total book value of all the True companies           
          owned by Dave True at his death was $37,894,797, see Appendix               
          schedule 2.  The living trust document, which was attached to the           

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