Charles Y. and Jin Y. Choi - Page 8

                                        - 8 -                                         
          Respondent determined that petitioners’ unreported income for               
          1992 using the bank deposits and cash expenditures method was as            
               Bank Deposit and Expenditures Reconstruction for 1992                  
          Bank Deposit Summary                                                        
          Acct. no. 162-14996-–                             $1,298,435                
          bus. deposit acct.                                                          
          Acct. no. 161-17636-–                             582,200                   
          bus. operating acct.                                                        
          Acct. no. 166-67322-–                                 35,430                
          personal checking acct.                                                     
          Total gross bank deposits                         1,916,065                 
          Personal cash expenditures                        2,700                     
          Business Cash Expenditures                          85,671                  
          Subtotal                                          2,004,436                 
          Checks written to cash                                                      
          Deposited into operating account     $582,200                               
          Amount of checks not deposited        711,400                               
          Subtotal                      1,293,600                                     
          Nontaxable deposits                               (40,998)                  
          Business gross receipts                           669,838                   
          Per audit                                         $669,838                  
          Per return                                         508,049                  
          Unreported income                                 161,789                   
               During November 1994, respondent began a criminal                      
          investigation of petitioner, and on November 25, 1996, petitioner           
          waived indictment and pleaded guilty to criminal tax evasion                

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Last modified: May 25, 2011