Electronic Arts, Inc. and Subsidiaries - Page 76

                                       - 76 -                                         
          (statutory language), 31 (description), 1962-3 C.B. 1129, 1159.             
          The committee reports explain as follows:                                   
                    The “foreign base company sales income” referred to               
               here means income from the purchase and sale of property,              
               without any appreciable value being added to the product by            
               the selling corporation.  This does not, for example,                  
               include cases where any significant amount of manufacturing,           
               major assembling, or construction activity is carried on               
               with respect to the product by the selling corporation.  On            
               the other hand, activity such as minor assembling,                     
               packaging, repackaging or labeling will not be sufficient to           
               exclude the profits from this definition.                              
                    The sales income with which your committee is primarily           
               concerned is income of a selling subsidiary (whether acting            
               as principal or agent) which has been separated from                   
               manufacturing activities of a related corporation merely to            
               obtain a lower rate of tax for the sales income.  This                 
               accounts for the fact that this provision is restricted to             
               sales of property, to a related person, or to purchases of             
               property from a related person.  Moreover, the fact that a             
               lower rate for tax for such a company is likely to be                  
               obtained only through purchases and sales outside of the               
               country in which it is incorporated, accounts for the fact             
               that the provision is made inapplicable to the extent the              
               property is manufactured, produced, grown, or extracted in             
               the country where the corporation is organized or where it             
               is sold for use, consumption, or disposition in that                   
               country.  Mere passage of title or the place of the sale are           
               not relevant in this connection.                                       
                        *     *     *     *     *     *     *                         
                    (d) Foreign base company sales income.--Paragraph (1)             
               of subsection (d) corresponds to section 952(e)(2) of the              
               bill as passed by the House and defines foreign base company           
               sales income as income (whether in the form of profits,                
               commissions, fees, or otherwise) derived in connection with:           
                         (1) the purchase of personal property from a                 
                    related person and its sale to any person,                        
                         (2) the sale of personal property to any person on           
                    behalf of a related person,                                       

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Last modified: May 25, 2011