Vernice B. Kuglin - Page 2

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               On June 16 and July 16, 1997, respondent issued notices of             
          deficiency relating to Vernice Kuglin’s 1994 and 1995 Federal               
          income taxes, respectively, but petitioner did not seek                     
          redetermination of the deficiencies.                                        
               On December 4, 1997, petitioner’s counsel requested a copy             
          of the assessments relating to petitioner’s 1994 and 1995 income            
          taxes.  On June 28, 1999, respondent issued a Notice of Intent to           
          Levy and Notice of Your Right to a Hearing.  On July 15, 1999,              
          petitioner filed a Request for a Collection Due Process Hearing             
          (i.e., Form 12153) and contended that there was no “valid summary           
          record of assessment”.  On September 16, 1999, respondent’s                 
          Appeals officer printed out computer transcripts (transcripts) of           
          respondent’s records.  The transcripts contained petitioner’s               
          Social Security number and the first four letters of her last               
          name; monetary figures representing amounts assessed, identified            
          by respondent’s transaction codes; and petitioner’s adjusted                
          gross and taxable income.  In a letter dated December 13, 1999,             
          the Appeals officer responded to petitioner’s request for a                 
          hearing and scheduled a telephone hearing, which was held on                
          January 25, 2000.                                                           
               On February 16, 2000, respondent issued a Notice of                    
          Determination Concerning Collection Action(s) Under Section 6320            
          and/or 6330 (determination), sustaining the proposed collection             

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Last modified: May 25, 2011