Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company - Page 8

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          Tax Returns                                                                 
               Petitioner did not claim an investment tax credit with                 
          respect to the nuclear fuel assemblies that were placed in                  
          service in 1990 on its 1990 Form 1120, U.S. Corporation Income              
          Tax Return.  Based on the advice of its accountants, petitioner             
          filed a Form 1120X, Amended U.S. Corporation Income Tax Return,             
          on September 14, 1994, claiming an additional investment tax                
          credit.  Petitioner claimed an investment tax credit of                     
          $1,831,825 with respect to the fuel assemblies placed in service            
          in 1990.  Respondent disallowed petitioner’s claim for refund in            
          a notice of deficiency that included other adjustments.                     
               The issue presented is whether petitioner is entitled to an            
          investment tax credit with respect to the fuel assemblies that              
          were placed in service in 1990.  Prior to 1986, an investment tax           
          credit was available pursuant to sections 38(b), 46, and 48 for             
          investments in certain types of tangible property placed in                 
          service during the taxable year.  The credit was repealed by                
          section 211 of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 (TRA 1986), Pub. L.               
          99-514, 100 Stat. 2166, which added section 49 to the Internal              
          Revenue Code.  Section 49(a) made the investment tax credit                 
          inapplicable to property placed in service after December 31,               
          1985.  Because TRA 1986 did not become law until October 22,                

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Last modified: May 25, 2011