E. Carolyn Mellen - Page 11

                                                - 11 -                                                  
                  employed.  I myself have no knowledge whatsoever of his                               
                  business dealings, in particular his stock transac-                                   
                  tions.  Further, I have never been involved in any of                                 
                  his business dealings.                                                                
                        The only reason I signed the joint tax return in                                
                  the first place was because his accountant thought it                                 
                  would be more convenient for him to file a joint re-                                  
                  On September 10, 1999, in response to petitioner’s Form                               
            8857, respondent’s Joint Compliance Branch sent petitioner a                                
            letter (respondent’s September 10, 1999 letter to petitioner).                              
            That letter stated in pertinent part:                                                       
                  Thank you for your request for Relief from Joint and                                  
                  Several Liability (Form 8857) received March 26, 1999.                                
                  [X] Please complete the enclosed Form 886-A, Relief                                   
                  from Joint and Several Liability Questionnaire.[1]                                    
                  The additional information should be returned within 30                               
                  days from the date of this letter.                                                    
                  If you have any questions, you may write to us at the                                 
                  address shown above, or you may call the above listed                                 
                  number.  This is not a toll-free number.                                              
                  Thank you for your cooperation.                                                       
                        1The record does not contain a copy of the “Relief                              
                  from Joint and Several Liability Questionnaire” (ques-                                
                  tionnaire) to which respondent’s September 10, 1999                                   
                  letter to petitioner referred.                                                        
            Petitioner did not return a completed questionnaire to respon-                              
            dent, nor did she otherwise respond to respondent’s September 10,                           
            1999 letter to petitioner.                                                                  
                  On September 10, 1999, respondent’s Joint Compliance Branch                           
            also sent Mr. Mellen a letter (respondent’s September 10, 1999                              

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Last modified: May 25, 2011