Maurice C. Sainte-Yves - Page 3

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          adjustments that had been agreed to at the Barrister partnership            
          level, respondent’s Appeals Offices in Fresno, California                   
          (Fresno) and in Brooklyn, New York (Brooklyn) granted to a number           
          of the Barrister partners their requests under section 6404(e)(1)           
          for abatement of related statutory interest.                                
               Petitioner made a similar request for abatement of interest            
          with regard to his Federal income tax deficiencies for 1983,                
          1984, and 19851 relating to the disallowed Barrister claimed                
          losses and credits.  In his request, among other things,                    
          petitioner alleged that his tax deficiencies relating to                    
          Barrister were caused by erroneous advice given by a                        
          representative of respondent to the tax matters partner of Bishop           
          as to the allowability of the Barrister losses and credits.                 
          Petitioner’s request for abatement of interest was denied by                
               Petitioner administratively appealed respondent’s denial of            
          petitioner’s request for abatement of interest.  Petitioner’s               
          appeal was forwarded by respondent to respondent’s Appeals Office           
          in San Francisco, California (San Francisco).  Petitioner,                  
          however, requested that the appeal be transferred from                      
          respondent’s San Francisco Appeals Office to either respondent’s            
          Fresno or Brooklyn Appeals Office in an effort to obtain the same           

          1    Computational adjustments for 1985 were the result of                  
          carryforward tax credits claimed by petitioner relating to                  

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Last modified: May 25, 2011