Robin E. Schmidt, a.k.a. Robin E. Tripaldi - Page 3

                                        - 2 -                                         
               In a notice of deficiency, respondent determined that                  
          petitioner is liable for a deficiency in Federal income tax for             
          1995 of $2,953.                                                             
               After concessions made by petitioner,1 the sole issue for              
          decision is whether petitioner is entitled to a casualty loss for           
          earthquake damage to her residence.                                         
               Some of the facts have been stipulated and are so found.               
          The stipulation of facts and the attached exhibits are                      
          incorporated herein by this reference.  At the time the petition            
          was filed, petitioner resided in Encino, California.                        
               In 1994, petitioner owned and resided in a condominium                 
          located at 21901 Burbank Boulevard, #161, Woodland Hills,                   
          California (the condominium), with her two minor children and her           
          companion, Richard Tripaldi (Mr. Tripaldi).  Petitioner and Mr.             
          Tripaldi were married in 1996.  The condominium was a trilevel              
          unit with three bedrooms, three bathrooms, and an attached                  
          garage.  On January 17, 1994, an earthquake occurred in                     
          Northridge, California (Northridge earthquake).  Immediately                
          after the Northridge earthquake petitioner, her children, and Mr.           
          Tripaldi moved out of the condominium and stayed at a hotel in              

               1    Petitioner concedes respondent’s disallowance of a                
          charitable contribution deduction of $187 and miscellaneous                 
          itemized deductions of $1,195 claimed on her Schedule A, Itemized           
          Deductions, for 1995.                                                       

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Last modified: May 25, 2011