Sidney C. Shaw - Page 6

                                        - 6 -                                         
               Petitioner was a shareholder and the president of C&A                  
          Trucking during the years in issue.  Petitioner was not involved            
          in the day-to-day operations of C&A Trucking but did meet with              
          Stephen Shaw for about 3 hours three times a month to review the            
          numbers, sign the checks, and review the business volume.  C&A              
          Trucking paid petitioner compensation of $16,180.50 and                     
          $16,221.00 in 1995 and 1996, respectively, for his services                 
          related to C&A Trucking.                                                    
               C&A Trucking rented gasoline-hauling trailers (Over the Road           
          Trailers) and a warehouse located in Stillwater from petitioner.            
          C&A Trucking paid petitioner gross rents of $172,251 and $313,657           
          in 1995 and 1996, respectively.                                             
          Shaw Ltd.                                                                   
               Petitioner was the sole shareholder of Shaw Ltd., which was            
          an S corporation, during the years in issue.  During the years in           
          issue, Shaw Ltd. was in the business of operating a Dairy Queen             
          restaurant.  In 1995, Shaw Ltd. owned and operated the Western              
          Sizzlin’ SW restaurant that was later leased to and operated by             
          Shaw’s Gulf in 1996.                                                        
               The Dairy Queen restaurant was built and opened for business           
          in 1994.  Shaw Ltd. owned the building and the equipment of the             
          Dairy Queen restaurant, but the land on which the Dairy Queen               
          restaurant stood was leased from SDQ LLC.  Petitioner was a                 

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Last modified: May 25, 2011