Thomas and Iris Tilley - Page 2

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          and/or 6330 (notice[s] of determination).  One notice of                    
          determination was issued to both petitioners, stating                       
          respondent’s intention to proceed with collection by levy of                
          their joint Federal income tax liabilities for the taxable years            
          1991 and 1992.  The other notice of determination was issued to             
          petitioner Thomas Tilley, stating respondent’s intention to                 
          proceed with collection by levy of his separate Federal income              
          tax liabilities for the taxable years 1994 and 1995.                        
               The notice of determination for the 1991 and 1992 income               
          taxes was sent to petitioners at their last known address, 4920             
          Farrington Road, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514-8603, by                 
          certified mail on May 26, 1999.  The notice of determination for            
          the 1994 and 1995 income taxes was sent to Mr. Tilley at his last           
          known address, 4920 Farrington Road, Chapel Hill, North Carolina            
          27514-8603, by certified mail on May 26, 1999.                              
               Petitioners filed one petition for review of respondent’s              
          notices of determination relating to the Federal income taxes for           
          the taxable years 1991, 1992, 1994, and 1995.  Petitioners                  
          resided in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at the time their                   
          petition was filed.                                                         
               The 30-day period provided by section 6330(d)(1) for timely            
          filing a petition for review of the notices of determination with           
          this Court expired on June 25, 1999.  That date was not a legal             
          holiday in the District of Columbia.  The petition was filed with           

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Last modified: May 25, 2011