Bank One Corporation - Page 40

               C.  Components of the Second Method                                    
               The three components that entered into the calculation of              
          FNBC’s initial credit adjustment under the second method were               
          the:  (1) CEM amount, (2) credit risk class rating, and (3)                 
          CRESCO loss reserve factor.  Each of these components was                   
          developed separately and independently for purposes other than              
          valuation and was not used in combination with the other two                
          components for any other business purpose.  FNBC developed the              
          CEM amount to measure credit exposure for purposes of risk                  
          management and banking regulatory requirements.  FNBC developed             
          the risk class system for commercial loan purposes to evaluate              
          the creditworthiness of a borrower.  FNBC developed the CRESCO              
          loss reserve factors to meet banking regulatory requirements on             
          loss reserves and capital adequacy requirements.                            
                    1.  CEM Amount                                                    
                         a.  Overview                                                 
               Expected cashflows from an interest rate swap can vary as              
          interest rates change.  When the expected cashflows from a swap             
          change, the credit exposure of one counterparty to the other                
          counterparty usually changes.  FNBC’s CEM amount statistically              
          measured FNBC’s maximum potential loss (and not expected                    
          exposure) on a swap, over its tenor and at a preselected cutoff             

          part, the market and credit risk of another swap.                           

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Last modified: May 25, 2011