- 5 - father’s management of petitioner’s mother’s cleaning service business. Petitioner did not question his father and would sign, without careful consideration, documents his father had prepared. The administrative business services for petitioner’s and his mother’s businesses were performed in petitioner’s parents’ home, where the books and records were maintained. Petitioner lived with his parents in that home until sometime during 1994. When the number of documents necessary for petitioner’s business became voluminous, petitioner’s father requested a facsimile stamp of petitioner’s signature for use on business documents. A business checking account was maintained for K&L Exteriors. That account was used for payment of petitioner’s personal and business expenses. During the period under consideration, petitioner was provided by his father with approximately $350 a week for living expenses. Petitioner was aware that K&L Exteriors’ weekly receipts exceeded $350, and he thought that the excess was being retained and/or used for operating expenses. Petitioner’s father also managed the preparation of petitioner’s individual and business tax returns. Petitioner’s father retained Doneta Layland, owner-operator of Tax Consultants, to prepare petitioner’s tax returns. Petitioner’s father would provide the information necessary to prepare the tax returns to Ms. Layland. Petitioner had no contact with Ms.Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011