T.P. and Najieh R. Crigler - Page 6

                                        - 6 -                                         
             FabuGlass’ Reported Gross Income and Deductions for 1990-94              

          Year                       Gross income           Deductions                
          1990                  $(818,321)            $31,227                         
          1991                  (1,034,984)           89,818                          
          1992                  209,518               --                              
          1993                  102,031               --                              
          1994                         (13,301)               16,070                  
          Total                 (1,555,057)           137,115                         
               FabuGlass reported $0 gross receipts or sales in 1990, 1991,           
          and 1992, $25,220 in 1993, and $0 on the original and first                 
          amended 1994 returns.  FabuGlass reported $0 costs of goods sold            
          on its 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, and original and first amended               
          1994 returns.  FabuGlass claimed no deductions for salaries,                
          wages, rents, and advertising on its 1990-94 returns.                       
               FabuGlass reported assets on its returns as follows:                   
          Item           1990         1991        1992        1993       11994        
          Cash                 –-           –-          –-             16       –-    
          Inventories          –-           –-          –-       $166,353    166,353  
          Investments      $1,068,279    $144,932     $1,794       22,270      3,075  
          Buildings and                                                               
          assets            248,681     248,681    248,681         –-         --      
          less accumulated                                                            
          depreciation      (129,842)   (134,456)  (134,456)        –-         --     
          Total assets    1,187,118     259,157    116,019      188,639    169,428    
          1  FabuGlass reported these amounts on its original and first amended 1994  
               FabuGlass’ tax returns for 1990-94, a real estate contract,            
          and a stipulated rental receipt show that less than 50 percent of           
          FabuGlass’ aggregate gross receipts for 1990-94 were from sources           
          other than royalties, rents, dividends, interest, annuities, and            

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Last modified: May 25, 2011