Charles T. McCord, Jr. and Mary S. McCord, Donors - Page 55

                                       - 37 -                                         
          (3) the average discount of the sample funds.  The resulting                
          discount factor is 9.96 percent, which we round up to 10 percent.           
                    b.  Municipal Bond Portfolio                                      
               Both Mr. Frazier and Dr. Bajaj determine the minority                  
          interest discount factor for MIL’s municipal bond portfolio by              
          reference to publicly traded, closed end municipal bond                     
          investment funds.  Once again, they disagree on measurement                 
          dates, sample funds, and representative discounts within the                
          range of the sample fund discounts.                                         
                    (1) Measurement Date                                              
               Mr. Frazier calculates discounts for his sample closed end             
          municipal bond funds on the basis of January 11, 1996, trading              
          prices and December 25, 1995, NAV data.  Dr. Bajaj utilizes                 
          trading prices and NAV information as of the valuation date;                
          i.e., January 12, 1996.  We agree with Dr. Bajaj that, to the               
          extent possible, data from January 12, 1996, should be utilized             
          in determining discounts with respect to the sample funds.                  
                    (2)  Sample of Funds                                              
               Mr. Frazier derives his sample of closed end municipal bond            
          funds from the list of municipal bond funds set forth in                    
          Morningstar’s Mutual Funds Guide.  In his direct testimony, Mr.             
          Frazier indicates that he excluded from consideration funds that            
          were “heavily weighted toward a specific sector” and funds with             
          scheduled liquidation dates.  With regard to the first screening            

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