- 10 - substantial portion of his income. Without these items a complete and accurate return cannot be prepared.” Petitioner provided no Schedules K-1 to Mr. Kelly.7 On petitioner’s Form 1040, Schedule C, Profit or (Loss) From Business or Profession, for 1985, petitioner listed his principal business or profession as “Real Estate Development”. Petitioner reported no income from gross receipts or sales, but he did report $160,363 as “Other income Commissions, Fees & Interest” and claimed deductions of $152,481. See appendix A. Petitioner reported a net profit from his real estate development business of $7,882 on his Form 1040. This was the only amount petitioner reported as income for 1985. Petitioner reported taxable income of $5,802 and a tax of $426. On petitioner’s Form 1040, Schedule C, for 1986, petitioner listed his principal business or profession as “Real Estate Development”. He likewise reported no income from gross receipts or sales, reported $119,772 as “Other income Commissions, Fees & Interest”, and claimed deductions of $115,634. See appendix A. Petitioner reported a net profit from his real estate development business of $4,138 on his Form 1040. This was the only amount 7Mr. Kelly discussed Schs. K-1 with Mr. Miles and Mr. Miles’s accountant. However, the accountant informed him that Schs. K-1 would not be provided and that any information that would have been on those schedules should be put on petitioner’s personal income tax returns.Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011