Walter L. Medlin - Page 36

                                       - 123 -                                        
                    Income item                             Amount                    
               Gain from sale of Lot 1 in                                             
               Susan’s Lakefront Estate           $20,097                             
               Installment gain from sale of 3 lots                                   
          in Florida Fruit Belt Subdivision          28,347                           
          Installment gain from Silver Lake sale        6,144                         
          Gain from sale of Wax Myrtle trees              400                         
          Interest income from Silver Lake mortgage     6,773                         
          Commission income                            37,500                         
          Rental income                                 1,250                         
          Total                                     100,511                           
          Those items are conceded by petitioner’s own statement on brief             
          that “any issues not raised in Petitioner’s Brief are also                  
          conceded by Petitioner”.80  Respondent has produced affirmative             
          evidence for each of the items conceded, and he has proven those            
          items of income by clear and convincing evidence.                           
               Respondent’s determination that petitioner realized $30,925            
          in 1985 from the sale of an installment obligation to his father            
          is supported by clear and convincing evidence in the record:  (1)           
          An assignment of mortgage relates that the mortgage along with              
          the “note or obligation” and “the moneys due and to become due              
          thereon” were being transferred “in consideration of the sum of”            
          $36,000 received from Charles Medlin; (2) the form of the                   
          transaction was a sale of an installment note, which is evidenced           
          by petitioner’s instructions to the mortgagor to make direct                
          payments to his father.                                                     

               80See Brodsky v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2001-240                     
          (taxpayer’s failure to contest certain amounts of undisputed                
          income determined by respondent establishes underpayment by clear           
          and convincing evidence).                                                   

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Last modified: May 25, 2011