Walter L. Medlin - Page 133

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               7.  Arrowhead Lakes Subdivision (OR-2), Angel-Royse                    
                    Property (OS-39)                                                  

                                  FINDINGS OF FACT                                    
               In 1974, Roger McLaughlin, as trustee, purchased Lots 26,              
          27, and 28 in the Arrowhead Lakes Subdivision (OR-2), which was             
          located in Orange County, Florida.  In 1977, Mr. McLaughlin                 
          conveyed those lots to Ms. Allen, as trustee, for no                        
          consideration.  In 1979, Ms. Allen conveyed those same lots to              
          Mr. Miles, as trustee, for no consideration.  Petitioner owned              
          Lots 26, 27, and 28 in the Arrowhead Lakes Subdivision;                     
          petitioner was the 100-percent beneficiary of the lots held in              
          trust by Mr. Miles.                                                         
               In 1983, Mr. Miles, as trustee, purchased 40 acres of a                
          certain real property in Osceola County, Florida.  On January 31,           
          1983, Mr. Miles, as trustee, issued a mortgage deed (purchase               
          money note and first mortgage) of $70,200 with respect to this              
          purchase.  On February 24, 1983, Mr. Miles, as trustee, issued to           
          Mr. McLaughlin a mortgage deed (purchase money note and second              
          mortgage) of $30,500, which related to the 40-acre purchase.  On            
          March 25, 1983, petitioner entered into a contract to purchase an           
          additional 34 acres for $102,000.  Mr. Miles, as trustee, issued            
          a mortgage deed of $73,000 for part of the purchase price.  The             
          34 acres were conveyed to Mr. Miles, as trustee, on October 26,             
          1983.  Petitioner and Mr. McLaughlin were equal beneficiaries in            

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Last modified: May 25, 2011