David M. and Teri L. Saykally - Page 39

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          unique position to determine for which expenses CPSG, Inc.                   
          reimbursed them.  The balance are those deductions which                     
          respondent denied.  Incomplete copies of credit card statements              
          and petitioner’s self-serving testimony are not sufficient to                
          substantiate the deductions claimed.  Accordingly, petitioners               
          have failed to demonstrate that they were not negligent in                   
          claiming these disallowed deductions.  Xuncax v. Commissioner,               
          T.C. Memo. 2001-226; see sec. 1.6662-3(b)(1), Income Tax Regs.               
               Lastly, we turn to whether a penalty is appropriate due to              
          the double charitable contribution deduction claimed by                      
          petitioners on their 1996 return.  The evidence demonstrates that            
          petitioners made a mistake in preparing their 1996 return.  On               
          brief, petitioners argued that, relying upon Rev. Proc. 96-58,               
          1996-2 C.B. 390, they had made adequate disclosure of the                    
          charitable contribution deduction by completing the charitable               
          contribution portion of Schedule A, Itemized Deductions.  Rev.               
          Proc. 96-58, supra, provides that additional disclosure of facts             
          is not necessary to fall within the auspices of section                      
          6662(d)(2)(B), which allows for the reduction in the amount of               
          the understatement, provided that the forms and attachments are              
          completed in a clear manner and in accordance with their                     
          instructions.  Rev. Proc. 96-58, sec. 4.01, supra.  Although Rev.            
          Proc. 96-58 is applicable to whether a taxpayer has disclosed                
          sufficient facts to be entitled to reduce the amount of the                  

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