- 14 - Valuation Date 1/1/91 1/1/92 1/1/93 1/1/94 1. Actuarial present value of projected benefits Active employees $13,361,586 $38,521,857 $62,860,146 $83,594,015 Retired employees 26,311,902 36,694,928 47,731,960 48,947,859 Total 39,673,488 75,216,785 110,592,106 132,541,874 2. Actuarial value of assets VEBA -0- 30,736,554 30,176,217 39,940,676 401(h) -0- 1,125,467 1,172,269 7,598,653 Total -0- 31,862,021 31,348,486 47,539,329 3. Actuarial present value of future normal costs [1-2]1 13,361,588 43,354,764 79,243,620 85,002,545 4. Actuarial present value of future service 4.81 6.63 7.26 7.19 5. Normal cost at beginning of year [3/4] 2,777,877 6,539,180 10,915,099 11,822,329 6. Maximum contribution2 a. Paid at beginning of year 29,089,779 6,539,180 10,915,099 11,822,329 b. Interest to yearend 1,599,938 320,420 392,944 425,604 c. Paid at yearend [a + b] 30,689,717 6,859,600 11,308,043 12,247,933 1 In 1991, this is the present value of active benefits only, excluding the 1991 net benefit costs. 2 In 1991, this includes the normal cost for active participants, plus the entire present value for those retired as of Jan. 1, 1991, excluding the retirees’ 1991 net benefit costs.Page: Previous 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011