Dover Corporation and Subsidiaries - Page 45

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          activity organized as an administrative or functional unit.”                
          American Heritage Dictionary (4th ed. 2000); see also Black’s Law           
          Dictionary 188, 479 (6th ed. 1990) (defining a “branch”, in                 
          relevant part, as a “[d]ivision, office, or other unit of                   
          business located at a different location from main office or                
          headquarters”, and a “division” as an “[o]perating or                       
          administrative unit of * * * business”).  Thus, the plainly                 
          understood import of the cited regulation’s use of the terms                
          “branch” and “division” to describe the impact of the deemed                
          section 332 liquidation resulting from a disregarded entity                 
          election with respect to an operating subsidiary (particularly in           
          light of respondent’s ruling position, as set forth supra) is               
          that the activities of the business operation indirectly owned by           
          the parent through its former subsidiary become the activities of           
          a functional or operating business unit directly owned and                  
          conducted by the parent.19  It follows from the language of the             
          regulation that the assets used in the business of the (deemed)             
          liquidated subsidiary retain their status as assets used in the             

               19  Sec. 301.7701-2(a), Proced. & Admin. Regs., does not               
          specify a minimum period of time after which a disregarded entity           
          election results in branch or division status for the disregarded           
          entity.  Rather, the disregarded entity is deemed a branch or               
          division of the owner upon the effective date of the election, a            
          point that is conceded by respondent on brief.  Nor do the check-           
          the-box regulations require that the taxpayer have a business               
          purpose for such an election or, indeed, for any election under             
          those regulations.  Such elections are specifically authorized              
          “for federal tax purposes”.  Sec. 301.7701-3(a), Proced. & Admin.           

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Last modified: May 25, 2011